Mantecatura is the final stage in the risotto making process. It is when grated cheese and olive oil or butter are added and vigorously stirred to make the risotto creamier and increase its natural ozziness.


The fermentation of rice, with absolutely no chemical additives, produces a very delicate type of vinegar that is widely used in Japan on Sushi but can be used equally well for sweet and sour dishes.


Add a tablespoon of oil so that it doesn’t boil over when the rice boils.


Rice starch is a valid substitute for ironing starch: boil 50 g of rice in a litre of water, filter and leave to cool before spraying the liquid onto the laundry.


This is the Italian rice with the largest grains, derived from Vialone rice, and is excellent for risottos which achieve a good creaminess due to the high starch content of this variety of rice.


A gauze bag filled with rice and cloves which keeps clothes moths at bay.


Long, plump grain with crystalline structure: this rice is excellent for risottos and rice salads.


Small and round grain with a low resistance to cooking and high viscosity which makes it ideal for soups and desserts and puddings.


The queen of fragrance. The suggestive Hindi name for this variety of rice of Indian and Pakistani origin perfectly describes the distinctive, delicate aroma, a mixture of sandalwood and hazelnut, and of a rice that has graced tables throughout the world.


This is the king of Italian rices and one of the best in the world. Its starch content guarantees an excellent balance between its absorption capacity and its resistance to cooking. It is admired by great chefs because of its refined taste and by beginners because it is extremely reliable.


Wash the rice to remove the starch, leave it to dry and put it in a saucepan of cold water (the water must be double the amount of rice). Cook slowly until the water has been completely absorbed and then cover and continue cooking for another two minutes. Let the rice sit for 15 minutes before serving as a side dish.


Boil a handful of rice and a handful of camomile flowers in a litre of water for 15 minutes. Filter and add to warm bath water to soothe the skin after exposure to the sun.


Shine and nourish the leaves of indoor plants using a sponge soaked in the water in which rice has been cooked.


Boil a quantity of water that is five times the amount of rice you want to cook. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on the quality of rice and the recipe) and stir with a wooden spoon to separate the grains. Drain, dress and serve hot.


Boil a quantity of water than is five times the amount of rice you want to cook. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes (depending on the quality of rice and the recipe) and stir with a wooden spoon to separate the grains. Drain the rice and rinse under cold water before adding your ingredients.


A long grain Thai rice with a delicate scent of jasmine.


Cook the rice in boiling water for approximately one minute, rinse and place in a saucepan. Cover with milk and cook until the milk has been completely absorbed. When the rice has reached a creamy consistency, it can be used to prepare desserts.


Soaking them for a few minutes in warm water that has been used to cook rice helps to keep hands soft and supple.


A glass jar filled with rice and sugar keeps nasty smells out of the fridge.


Short grain rice with a high absorption capacity, suitable for soups, desserts, fillings, croquettes and fried rice balls.


A semifino rice with high viscosity, ideal for soups and timbales, it has replaced the Maratelli variety which was widespread in Lombardy up until the 1980s.


A process that enables the rice to hold its shape during cooking and preserve the same nutrients as brown rice. The name comes from “partially boiled”. Traditionally, the process involves partially steaming the rice and then drying it in the sun. Today, the process uses highly advanced production technology before the rice is sent to the mills for husking and subsequent refining.


A variety of Basmati rice grown in West Bengal.


Sauté the rice in oil, butter and onion until the grains become golden. Add twice as much cold water as the weight of the rice, cover and cook in the oven (180°) until the liquid is completely absorbed. Add a few knobs of butter and serve as an accompaniment. It can also be cooked on the hob instead of in the oven.


Its grains make it suitable for parboiling and it is also suitable for cooking pilaf rice. It can also be used to stuff peppers and tomatoes.


You will find instructions on how to make a perfect risotto here.


A red rice that comes from the French Camargue region with a long grain and natural red colour.


Its firm grains make it suitable for cooking “dry” rice dishes, baked rice or rice “au gratin”.


A few grains of rice in the salt pot prevent it from clogging by absorbing humidity.


Classified as a fino rice, it has a good consistency and good absorption capacity. It can be used for a large selection of dishes ranging from rice salads to timbales.


This is not really a rice at all but the grains of an aquatic grass, Zizania aquatica, that grows naturally in the swamps of the Camargue and Canada. It has won over gourmets who use it to accompany strong flavours such as fish and game.


The highest quality variety of Basmati rice grown on the foothills of the Himalayas.


The name denotes the Thai origins of this long grain, crystalline rice with a spicy fragrance used to accompany meat and fish.


Wrap the rice in a clean cloth and soak in cold water for a few hours. Then place the cloth containing the rice in a steaming basket which should be placed over a boiling saucepan. Although this method is rather long (it takes half an hour plus soaking time), since the rice never comes into direct contact with the water, it keeps its nutritional qualities intact.


An aromatic wholegrain rice with natural black colour. Originally from China where it was attributed with the aphrodisiac properties that led to its name, today it is also grown in the Po Valley. It is ideal as an accompaniment to the wonderful flavours of fish and shellfish.


A high quality semifino variety of rice that is very popular in the Mantua/Verona area. Classified as a medium rice, it is ideal for creamy risottos since it absorbs liquid very well.

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