Recipe Created By:
Graeme Watson
ready in
25 minutes
What you will need
- 140g Riso Gallo Rustico Red Wholegrain Rice – boiled as instructed on packet
- 3-4 Chicken Thighs (depending on size and appetite!)
- Teaspoons Chipotle Chilli Paste (or harissa if you can get chipotle)
- 1/2 Lime
- 8 Sugar Snap peas
- 1 Corn on the Cob
- 6 Small Carrots (or larger ones cut up into chunky Strips)
- Handful of fresh coriander (optional)
- 8 fresh mint leaves
How to prepare:
This recipe is part of our Luxury for Less collection. Ingredients serve 4 people and the approximate cost is £2.00 per portion which totals £8.00 per family of 4.
Rub the thighs with chilli paste and then roast in a hot over for around 15-20 minutes depending on size. Ensure they are thoroughly cooked through.
Rub a little oil on the carrots and corn cob and roast in the same over for around 20 minutes – they can be in and cooking at the same time as the chicken.
While this is all cooking, slice the peas and cut coriander. Separately shred the mint and add to yogurt.
When corn is cooked remove from oven and cut the kernels from the husks. Carrots will be cooked at same time and can be removed from oven too.
Mix corn, sugar snaps and coriander into the rice and season.
Remove chicken from the oven, allow to rest for 3-4 minutes and squeeze over lime juice.
Plate up with the rice in a nice little pile, carrots next to rice and chicken creating the third section of the plate. A little spoon of yoghurt to finish.