Recipe Created By:
Sofia Gallo
ready in
35 minutes
What you will need
- 150g Riso Gallo Rustico Red Wholegrain rice
- 1 small shallot finely chopped
- 1 clove of garlic finely sliced
- 2 tbsp EVO Oil
- 400 ml of vegetable stock – homemade preferred
- 1 sprig Rosemary
- Splash of red wine
- Lemon marmalade or preserved lemon – optional
- 6 small beef sausages – or your preferred meat
- For the green pesto: handful of rocket, mint and coriander
- Seasoning to taste
How to prepare:
Pre-heat a large pan. Add your olive oil and let heat for a minute, then add your shallots and garlic and let these sweat without colouring. Add your rosemary and let the base flavour.
It’s time to toast your rice. Add this and let it toast for a couple of minutes, before splashing with wine.
Once the alcohol has evaporated, add your stock. The best way I find to cook this rice is pilaf style, meaning by that, letting the rice absorb the water and let gently cook until fluffy, but still with a lovely crunch.
As soon as the stock has come to the boil, cover with a lid and bring your heat down to a low-medium letting the rice cook.
Whilst the rice is cooking, is time to BBQ your sausages. This won’t take long, but they can be left to sizzle slowly until cooked and in the meantime you can prepare your refreshing salsa.
In a food processor, add your rocket, mint and coriander and blitz to a coarse pesto with olive oil and seasoning, keep aside until service.
Once your rice is cooked, taste and adjust of seasoning if necessary. Add your lemon, this will really lift the dish and give a summery refreshing taste.
Serve your salad, hot or cold, topped with the salsa and to accompany other BBQ veggies.
You may not need to use all the vegetable stock, so add ¾ of the liquid to start with and adjust if necessary
Why don’t add some BBQ sweet bell peppers? These are really easy to make and taste delicious.
Prepare the rice in advance and bring it with you on a picnic.